
Resources we offer for our startups.


Founder Community

Engage with a dynamic network of founders who collaborate, share insights, and support one another on their journey to building startups.

Weekly Standup

Interact with other founders by hearing progress updates on their entrepreneurial journeys and asking questions.


Gain valuable insights by hearing our mentors and guest speakers share their personal experiences.

Grant Funding

Access grant funding through our partners like Roivant Sciences or SOMPO Digital Lab.

Clinical Connections

Connect with physician-scientists, healthcare key opinion leaders, and industry experts to optimize clinical success.

Investor Introductions

Meet potential investors in the healthcare and adjacent spaces through our robust network.

Designated Point Person

Direct any needs to a specially designated Health Engine member throughout the semester.

Demo Day

Deliver a 10-minute pitch and respond to questions from the dozens of investors in attendance.




. . . and a corporate network of over 40+ big pharma to SaaS healthtech companies!

Legal & Banking